- We want to sell your vehicle to you the way you want to buy it!
- We treat you like you are part of the family, because you are!
- We want to fulfill all your automotive needs. From the initial sale to all the maintenance, repair and bodywork that you may need during the life of your vehicle.
- We have a highly-trained staff to keep you informed about your vehicle.
- We use thorough vehicle inspections and factory recommended maintenance to avoid costly repairs and prevent major issues.
- We want to give you all the information about your purchase or vehicle service to help you make the best decision for you.
We always do what is right, not what is easy, cheap, popular or convenient-and we do so without excuse and regardless of the cost. If you lie, cheat or steal, you cannot work here.
We serve one another and guests quickly and find reasons to do things now rather than to delay, debate or procrastinate.
We will become brilliant in the basics, and pay attention to getting the "little" things done right the first time.
The good of the team comes before personal comfort or agenda of any individual team member. It means that we embrace lateral service and work together to accomplish our mission.
Associates are expected to work as hard on themselves as they do on the job. Getting better is not an option. You are should always be investing in yourself.
Charlie Gilchrist has over 30 years experience operating automotive dealerships. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Texas and acquired his CPA license before beginning work in public accounting at Coopers and Lybrand. From there he became partners with Ken Nichols and ran Ford Heavy Truck Dealerships before getting in the retail car business with the purchase of SouthWest Ford in Weatherford and Nichol’s Ford in South Fort Worth.
Charlie has served as President of Ford’s Dealer Council and as Chairman of Legislative Affairs and Chairman of Industry Relations for NADA. He is currently the Vice Chairman and Chairman-Elect for the National Automobile Dealers Association. He is also actively involved in the DFW New Car Dealers Association.
He is married and has three dogs and three horses (and counting).
Stephen Gilchrist graduated with his degree in Accounting from Texas Christian University and NADA's Dealer Academy. In 2013, he successfully opened the group's (and the area's) first Volkswagen store in Hudson Oaks.
He currently serves as a Director on the North Texas Chevrolet Dealers LMA board, is currently the North Region District 22 Director for the Texas Automobile Dealers Association and a current member of NADA's Next Gen Leadership Club. He also serves on Volkswagen's Dealer Council as the Dallas-Fort Worth Representative, and is actively involved in the DFW New Car Dealers Association and National Automobile Dealers Association.
He is married, has two dogs, four cats (and counting) and five horses.